Please do not sexually harass your friendly neighborhood author.
Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this blog post, this is just a reminder that book four is up for pre-order. You can click here to order. It’s just like the last three, the paperback copy will be available the day of publishing! If you have seen me at an event, you will know that I am a typically friendly person. I’m not an extrovert in the slightest. By the time an event is finished, I’m exhausted. It’s nice talking to everyone, but it is a lot of people. This past weekend I was back at my local library for an event. I had a great time…
Every Author Event is a Lesson Learned
This past weekend I was super excited to be part of the Monroe County Public Library Author Event! I got to meet different people, as well as talk about my book. I also met someone as much into K-dramas and K-pop as I am (hi Joanna!). I’ve only been to two events thus far, but I’ve learned something from both of them. At my first one, I learned that while it is nice for my husband to attend to be my helper, it’s also difficult because he doesn’t really talk to people. He’s just there to to keep an eye on stuff. I need a helper that can chat to…