Book Updates
This is what you use when specifically talking about books that are currently for sale.
Book Girl Summer, New Book Release, Summer Events, and More!
There has been so much going on lately, that I haven’t really had time to write on my blog. Instead, I’ve been flitting around social media spreading the good word. If you aren’t signed up for my newsletter, you may want to consider doing that, because they are the first to receive news. The first and most important thing: Shownu read something I said in his chat out loud. I’ve died, was resurrected, then died again. I’m just a shell of a ghost typing to you now. Next item is actually in my title. My publisher has declared that it’s Book Girl Summer! What does that mean for you? Well,…
Going Through It
I’ve come back from my first convention as a writer. I will write about it a little later, as I have to get my thoughts in order. Since I’ve been back, I’ve been working on the e-commerce side of my website. It has been an absolute PAIN! I haven’t even input all the products yet. I’ve just been working on the shipping aspect. It’s taken me roughly a week to adjust everything to the way I want it. Please keep in mind that this is after I’ve dropped cash to actually get the shipping set up. Part of it is my fault, as I didn’t have all the information I…
There is a Whole Lot More to Being an Author
They didn’t tell you everything mamas. As I sit here on my blessed quiet Sunday, I am thinking of all the things that have past and that are coming. My first book was released one month an eleven days ago. There was no stopping from there, I have to keep going. You see, by the end of 2023, I will have a total of four books out. Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. As of right now, I am speaking with my publisher on where we’re supposed to go from here. I have quite a few stories, both in this world and out of it written. It is just a matter…
The updates, the haps, the happenings!
So first things first, I had a cover reveal of my first book back in December. If you are part of my Discord, you had the opportunity to see the cover before anyone else:
2023 Novel Sampler? Oh yes, Sampler Time!