New Year, Stressed Out Me
While it is only February, this year can get lost. Seriously. My cat died, then my dog died. I finished writing a four book series and now I’m sitting here blankly. I have two other story ideas that I need to write out, but I am slightly fried, so I’m taking a break from writing and simply doing editing on my completed works. In the meantime, I’ve been doing a little reading. To my absolute surprise, after editing and writing, I am finding that I am incredibly selective on what I read. For the first time in a very long time I have DNF (did not finish) a book. I…
Every Event is a Learning Experience!
Franklin Holiday Market, let’s talk about it. I’m going to admit to you, I was a little leery. I haven’t been to Franklin, Indiana in a while. At my former job, I stood up the technology portion of the fuel center that went in there. It was one of the first fuel centers I did on my own. That will always be a point of pride as it went smoothly. Prior to that however, I went to hear Tomi Adeyemi speak on her experience of being an author. It was when the second book of the Legacy of Orisha series came out. I have an adorable picture of her giving…
Why Can’t This Be My Job?
When I was a little girl, I used to write stories. I’d staple pieces of notebook paper together and go to town. The first story I ever wrote that I can remember was about a lonely girl who made a friend and they walked to Wendy’s together. I guess even back then I wrote what I knew. I’ve spoken before of losing my writing. I’d tried in the past, but I hadn’t written a full story since high school. I remember the last short story I wrote during that time. It was for an lit assignment, and I had so many people’s hands in the editing that it completely changed…
There is a Whole Lot More to Being an Author
They didn’t tell you everything mamas. As I sit here on my blessed quiet Sunday, I am thinking of all the things that have past and that are coming. My first book was released one month an eleven days ago. There was no stopping from there, I have to keep going. You see, by the end of 2023, I will have a total of four books out. Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. As of right now, I am speaking with my publisher on where we’re supposed to go from here. I have quite a few stories, both in this world and out of it written. It is just a matter…
Every Single Experience is an Adventure
Writing a book isn't for the faint of heart.
Learning How to Write
We all have to learn from somewhere right? Truthfully in my every day non author job, I don’t write as much as I want to. I have a technical writing background which enables me to write documentation so that the average user is able to navigate something technical, but when I started writing fiction when the pandemic started, I realized I didn’t know how to write fiction. Not from a grammatical standpoint, not even from a chapter standpoint. I didn’t know where to stop. Truthfully I still don’t. I thank the gods every day for editors, for people who know more than me, for books that tell me to slow…